AKCLI - Villages of Hope News

AKCLI (All Kids Can Learn International) is a 501(c)3, IRS approved, Christian ministry dedicated to rescuing orphans and raising them as disciples of Jesus Christ for their own nations. AKCLI is creating Villages of Hope, self-sustaining settings in which we provide orphaned children with quality care, education, Christian discipleship training, vocational training, and employment settings in which to grow and thrive.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Not so chimwemwe at Chimwemwe Ladies Club


The word "chimwemwe" means happiness.  At our meeting on Wednesday, 4 women had complaints to make to the executive committee.  One of the complaints actually was encouraging.  It seems that some of the women aren't talking to other women because of various disagreements.   Judy, who brought the complaint, was saying that even after the Bible studies we have had, some women are giving each other the cold shoulder.  They aren't living up to what we say we are about – of growing in being Godly women. 


One suggestion was that these women should be suspended for a time.  I saw that that would be a nightmare – accusations flying.  The final solution had 2 parts.  The first is that we will begin each meeting by singing together.  As the women sing and dance, we hope that they will be kinder to each other.  The second part of the solution will come at the end of the meeting.  At some of the churches around us, after the service, everyone shakes hands with everyone else.  A big circle is made.  So we have decided to do the same at our meetings.  In that way, women will have to at least shake each other's hands and then  we will see where it goes from there.


Mary Zulu said she was encouraged because a year ago, this issue probably would not have even troubled the ladies.  Now they are aware that such behavior is not good. 



Blogger stepash said...

how is this working out, and has there been any improvements?! i'm praying!!

7:44 PM  

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