AKCLI - Villages of Hope News

AKCLI (All Kids Can Learn International) is a 501(c)3, IRS approved, Christian ministry dedicated to rescuing orphans and raising them as disciples of Jesus Christ for their own nations. AKCLI is creating Villages of Hope, self-sustaining settings in which we provide orphaned children with quality care, education, Christian discipleship training, vocational training, and employment settings in which to grow and thrive.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Isaiah 11

Since we are talking about animals this term, we have tried to have several weeks of study about animals mentioned in the Bible.  This next week will be Jonah and the whale and we will be talking about ocean life.

The last few weeks we have been talking about mammals.  On one wall is displayed with wild animals, another wall is tame animals.  Then this week for our Bible lesson we studied Isaiah 11.  It turned out to be quite something as it included Felix, our resident artist.  Basically there is part of Isaiah 11 that lists a number of situations where wild and tame animals are at peace with one another.  For example, the wolf and the lamb, the ox and the bear, etc.

Felix has sculpted all the animals listed.  He also made a small child since the passage says, "and a small child shall lead them."  In addition he has been drawing beautiful pictures of what the passage describes.  So we have a beautiful picture of a leopard with a goat.  He also drew one of a lion and a lamb.  He is now working on a picture of a cow and a bear together.

It was a wonderful week of talking about this scripture and Erna and I will always think of the children and each other when we read that.


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