AKCLI - Villages of Hope News

AKCLI (All Kids Can Learn International) is a 501(c)3, IRS approved, Christian ministry dedicated to rescuing orphans and raising them as disciples of Jesus Christ for their own nations. AKCLI is creating Villages of Hope, self-sustaining settings in which we provide orphaned children with quality care, education, Christian discipleship training, vocational training, and employment settings in which to grow and thrive.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

An April Day at our house

Monday and Tuesday were such an interesting time at our house.  Of course, Julie (from CO) is around and we will really miss her when she leaves at the end of the month. Esther who does the cleaning and laundry for us is there everyday.  Then we have Zandile who we have hired temporarily to come to help take care of Matilda during the day.  On the verandah I set up a place for Felix to do his drawing and art work.  Erna (teacher) and I felt so bad that he wouldn't be able to come each day to the school to draw, which means so much to him.  So I just said that he could come to our house.  So he was happily drawing. 

On Monday Mary came over first thing to say that they wanted to go to school.  The children would rather go to school than have the holiday!!  Says good things about our school.  The children take turns pushing Matilda in the wheelchair and coming and coloring with her.  I also set up for her to eat lunch in the houses.  One reason, among many, is that most folks in the villages eat while sitting on the floor.  That is the case with her.  Also she is so short that when she sits on a chair the table is very high for her.  In the houses the tables are short, so I thought it would be a good experience to have her see how they eat at a table. 

Tuesday morning, the gardener was watering some of my plants.  Adam came over to help.  What he really wanted to do was to wash my car.  He is the one who loves wheels, tractors, trucks, cars, etc.  So he very faithfully helped with the watering so that he could then wash my car.  A couple of the other children also helped. 

So our house was kind of busy with all these people and all these things going on.

I'm realizing how greatly disabled Matilda is.  I knew, but seeing her everyday and her great difficulty with walking brings it home more to me.  My plan is to consult with a friend in Lusaka who knows about services there for children with disablities.  I really think a good case can be made that she needs extra care beyond what her mother can give.  So we will see if there is a place where she can go to stay and also get therapy and things that she needs. 

Matilda reminds Benedict and I of a very young Gail.  Gail was our friend who was also in a wheelchair and part of our family in many ways.  She was a survivor and very fiesty.  So is Matilda.  On Monday, Zandile was trying to get her to walk with her crutches.  She just refused.  When she says "no"she means "NO." She then said to Zandile, "Have you ever had to walk with crutches?"


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