AKCLI - Villages of Hope News

AKCLI (All Kids Can Learn International) is a 501(c)3, IRS approved, Christian ministry dedicated to rescuing orphans and raising them as disciples of Jesus Christ for their own nations. AKCLI is creating Villages of Hope, self-sustaining settings in which we provide orphaned children with quality care, education, Christian discipleship training, vocational training, and employment settings in which to grow and thrive.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Another death

As I may have written before, I know more people who have died since living in Africa, than for the last 10 years of my life before. This week we received that sad news that Mr. Tembo, our electrician died. We knew he was very sick and the last time he came to do business with Benedict, he wasn't doing well. He did got to UTH (University Teaching Hospital) in Lusaka. Kamau had visited him a couple of days before and he was very jaundiced. Rather than being released to go home, he was Released to go Home/heaven. He was a very nice man and he was working for another group from the states who are doing work about 20 miles from here.

He has 2-3 young children. He used to bring his little daughter with him when he came. He and his wife were also taking care of about 3 neices and nephews. Whether he died of AIDS or not, we don't know. But he is another man in his prime, with a much needed skill and educated, who is no longer able to help build this society. Please pray for his family.


Blogger mis said...

Hello KAthleen,
i didnt have an email for you sorry to leave this here! my name is missy weismann
i heard about you and work work through our connection with Susan Lukaart in Grand Rapids Michigan. my husband and i are
from Grand Rapids originally but are now in Zambia. we are working in Livingstone (in a rural village an hour into the bush from livingstone)
and are beginning orphan ministry. but our vision is for it to be holistic in every way. more like a village. we have been working in the local village for 8 months now and have established good
relationships and many small churches/bible studies. our next project
is getting our orphan home up and running. we have already started
building and are in the process of being liscenced through the Zambian
Gov. we wondered if we would be able to see what you are doing, to come visit (where exactly are you located? our entire team here in Livingstone (9 of us right now) are wanting
to take a small road
trip starting on sunday to visit an orphan village. if you think this could work to visit your base sunday or monday , and if you have any where for us to stay (we can pitch tents if we have to)
our contact info is a Zambian Number - dan (the director here might answer or call back)
097 978 8025
if you could text us and we could call you that would be amazing, we will be in the village all day today. thank you, and hope to hear from you soon!
blessings missy

3:32 AM  

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